Thanks to my mom I’ve been reading since I was a kid. I love reading. I also love writing and it all started back in 2011, when I embarked myself on my first overseas adventure: Erasmus in Linköping, Sweden. Back then, I decided to write a blog that would summarize my adventures as an Erasmus student in Sweden. After my first time living abroad and one more in California that I didn’t document, I decided to quite my job, leave my comfort zone behind and go to Australia with the Work & Holiday Visa. It was 2017. As I had done back in 2011, I also decided to write a blog about my experiences, but this time in Down Under.
In 2019 I spent a year back in Spain. I picked up the “Australian” blog and tried to make it more professional. I started to write not just about my Work & Holiday year but about the trips that came afterward. In 2019, the blog that you are reading write now, was born.
My next adventure took place in the Land of the Rising Sun. I arrived in Japan with the Work & Holiday in February 2020. My visa was valid for a year, but thanks to COVID, I extended it and ended up staying almost 2 and a half years. You might be wondering why there are not many posts about Japan, being such a unique and special country and taking into account I spent quite some time there. Well, the answer gives name to the page you are reading write now: Books.
I enjoyed and enjoy writing about my travel experiences in my blog. But, to be honest, there was something I always wanted to do in my life: write a book. I thought writing blogs would be a good way to get experience before writing a book. I’m not sure if I had gathered all the experience I wanted but, in September 2020, during my first quarantine in Japan, I decided to leave excuses behind and to stop waiting for inspiration to come. Instead, during my two-week quarantine, I chased and found the inspiration to write.
In September 2020, I decided the type of book I wanted to write and, in August 2022, I published my first book: And time stopped. And time stopped is a half fiction half non-fiction novel where, after disaster strikes on planet Earth, the main character embarks on a journey that brings him to a planet where he finds a society that resembles human beings more than he could imagine.
In my first novel I aim to use what I’ve learnt during the last 6 years of travel to inspire the readers so they leave their fears and doubts behind and go out there to chase their dreams. I encourage them to reflect on who we are, where we are and what are we doing to our planet and to ourselves. My aim with this novel is to get people to reflect on how can we improve so we can live our lives to the fullest.
As of now, the book is just in Spanish, but in a couple of months I’ll be publishing the English translation. Also, I plan to start writing a non-fictional book where I summarize what I’ve lived and experienced during the last 6 years while travelling the world as a backpacker. If you don’t want to miss its publication, subscribe to my Newsletter 🙂

And time stopped
Why have I written “And time stopped”? In my first quarantine in Japan (September 2020) I had two weeks to think at long length and I said to myself that, writing a blog was a nice thing, but what I really wanted to write was a book (or a few).

And time stopped: a year since its publication
On this day in 2022, my first novel, “And time stopped”, became a reality. As I mentioned in this post at the time, the idea of writing a book had been with me for a while. After a couple of blogs about my Erasmus adventures in Sweden and my Work